Monday, November 7, 2011

final draft

Sabrina Camarena
November 7, 2011
World Geography
Ms. Jaeger
Slums; human wastelands
What comes to mind when the word slum is said anything but good, home, clean or any of these words. Slums are very bad places to live in. What is a slum? It is a big, unsanitary piece of land that is filled with many tiny shacks that provide housing for many poor people. Slums have a negative effect on human populations because many people die due to sanitation hazards, they are forced to live in tiny, packed shacks, and they do not have access to a restroom. Many people who live in slums end up dying.                                                                                                                                                                  
            Many people living in these slums end up dying because of sanitation hazards. All there is to be seen in slums is mountains of trash. There is also a river of dirty water in the alleys between the tiny sacks. In source number 2, it clearly states "the foul river carries not just sewage but also chemicals, it’s littered with refuse". This quote shows how the water the people in the slums are forced to drink is very hazardous and deadly that makes many people die. The river of water flows through tiny, shacks that the residents of the slums are forced to live in.

People who live in these slums are also forced to live in tiny, packed shacks. These houses are even made out of mud. In source 1 it explains “rapid growth in urban areas". This quote explains that these shacks are very packed because more and more people migrate to cities where these                                 
slums are located. Even with all these people living in these slums there are still no bathrooms.

Residents of these slums have no access to a restroom. Residents from these slums would have to try to sneak into the owners' bathroom to do their business in a sanitary place. In source 2 it states "a muddy swamp of flimsy bags filled with human waste". This quote states that people from the slums have to do their waste in plastic bags because they do not have access to a real restroom.

Slums are very disgusting and bad places to live in. Slums have a negative effect on human populations because many people die due to sanitation hazards, they are forced to live in tiny, packed shacks, and the people do not have access to a restroom. Somewhere in the world these things happen because people do not want to pay for houses, so is it their choice or are they forced to live that way?

Works Cited
Urbanization. "World Geography: Understanding a Changing world" . 2011. 2011 .

Fink. Sheri . "Cities of the poor : Life in the Slums". December 18th, 2006 . 2011 .

Blythe, Nils . "Mumbai's Slum Life World Problem " . Tuesday February 26th, 2008 . 2011 .

Eaves, Elisabeth. "Two Billion Slum Dwellers" . November 6th, 2006. 2011 .
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